I’m transporting a pram

Valid from 10 December 2017

Přepravuji kočárek

Prams and strollers can be transported aboard all of our trains

We will transport a pram or stroller for an accompanying child free of charge.

Where to get a ticket for oversized luggage?

  • at a ticket counter
  • in the e-shop
  • from the conductor on the train

How to transport a pram or stroller on the train?

You can use the following services:

  • Oversized luggage – on all trains you will load the pram or stroller into the indicated space yourself.
  • Luggage storage during transport – on trains marked with a suitcase symbol you will load the pram or stroller, with the help of a conductor, into a special space. Your pram or stroller will be under the conductor’s supervision for the duration of the transport.

We will always transport a pram or stroller for an accompanying child free of charge.


Introduction Other Services Bike, dog or luggage