Contact form

Do you need advice? The team of expert operators of the Central Customer Services is ready to provide you with information on train connections, prices, offers or e.g. on the current situation on the railway.

Do you have something to say about a delay or an operational restriction on a line, station or stop? Please contact the infrastructure administrator directly. The Railway Infrastructure Administration (SŽ) is responsible for lines, stations, stops, platforms, station buildings, audio-visual information systems for passengers, safety equipment, crossings and closures. You will find contact information on

Things don’t always go as planned. Every complaint helps us improve services for your next journey. We consider a complaint to be any submission in which the filer is asserting his or her rights or interests protected by law, if these were violated. You can also notify us of shortcomings or defects. In order for us to assess a complaint objectively, we ask that you please describe the situation in as much detail as possible (date, time, place or train, and a description of the event), and attach copies of travel documents if the complaint concerns them. We usually process complaints within 30 days. We will inform you in writing of the results of our investigation.

Failure to respect the timetable - regional transport (Os,Sp)


I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Missing a connection service

I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

I missed my connecting train at the transfer station. Why didn’t it wait for the arrival of our delayed train?

A system of wait times has been set up to prevent delays from being carried over to more and more connections. The length of the wait time sets the greatest possible delay which a train can incur when departing from the transfer station. The basic wait time is 5 minutes, and this can be modified (shortened) by a symbol in the timetable. If your train is delayed, we recommend that you ask the train crew to check whether it is possible to increase the wait time beyond the set transfer time.

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Extraordinary events

I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Service cancellation

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Alternative transport service - planned outage

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Failure to respect the timetable - long-distance transport (R, Ex, IC, EC,SC, RJ)


I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Missing a connection service

I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

I missed my connecting train at the transfer station. Why didn’t it wait for the arrival of our delayed train?

A system of wait times has been set up to prevent delays from being carried over to more and more connections. The length of the wait time sets the greatest possible delay which a train can incur when departing from the transfer station. The basic wait time is 5 minutes, and this can be modified (shortened) by a symbol in the timetable. If your train is delayed, we recommend that you ask the train crew to check whether it is possible to increase the wait time beyond the set transfer time.

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Service cancellation

I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Extraordinary events

I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

Did you not find the answer to your complaint above?    

Every compliment is an important feedback for us which we can use for our next work with pleasure. For this reason we would like to thank you in advance for every message stating that we did something well, and we would like to ask you for a description of the situation (date, time, place or train) as exact as possible.

The EU Regulation on personal data protection (GDPR) provides you with a guarantee of exercising certain rights connected with the processing of your personal data towards us, when we are acting as the controller of you personal data. In order that we can simplify this process, we have prepared answers to some frequently asked questions connected with the personal data processing. For this reason, please have a look at the section entitled “Questions and Answers” and provided for below. In case you do not find an answer to your question or if you continue to insist on the exercising of your rights, please download our form for the exercising of the Customer’s rights regarding personal data. You can print the form or you can fill in the same in an online way and then you can upload it to the web site with your guaranteed electronic signature; in the case that you are a holder of the loyalty In Card, you can upload the form after logging into the E-shop system even without that signature. You can send the form with the guaranteed electronic signature also by e-mail or as a letter which is provided with your officially certified signature. Alternatively you can file it at the filing office in the headquarters of our company at the address České dráhy, a.s., Generální ředitelství (General Directorate), Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 1222, 101 15 Prague 1 after submission of an identity document issued by a state administration authority. Please specify in the reference of any communication or on the envelope the subject matter (reference) “GDPR”.

privacy policy

leták s postupy pro uplatnění práv subjektu OÚ

If you hold travel documents purchased from a carrier other than ČD, please contact the carrier which issued the ticket or tickets (see the list of foreign carrier contact information). If you are exercising a claim to compensation for a ČD travel document in the case of a delayed train, you can do so by selecting one of the following options:

a) Fill in the online form on (“Application for Indemnification” tab - this form), and attach a file containing the travel documents in question (e.g. PDF, photograph, scan, etc.). With an international ticket purchased at the ticket counter, proceed according to point b) or c).

b) Submit the filled-in request form at the ticket counter together with the originals of the travel documents in question (eTiket documents must be printed from the PDF file on white A4 paper in the original unreduced size); the form can be obtained at the ticket counter or you can download it here and print it out.

c) Send the filled-in request form together with the originals of the travel documents in question by post to the following address: ČD, a.s. – Claims Processing Facility (OPT), Department of Portioning, Clearing and Reconciliation of Relationships, Vídeňská 15, 772 11 Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC.

It may be possible to process your request more quickly if you also submit documentation of the realised journey, e.g. a seat reservation, official confirmation of the delay, etc. You must exercise your claim to compensation by submitting a request no later than 3 months following the expiry of your travel document.

Did you leave anything onboard the train? If the train is still on its way, we recommend you to contact our Central Customer Services as soon as possible, by using the phone number 221 111 122. Our operators have a possibility of getting in touch with the train crew directly. All lost and found items are subsequently registered on

In the following form it is necessary to fill in at least the items marked with *

2,000 characters as a maximum, left 2000


I travelled on a delayed connection and I want to request compensation for a train delay. Can I submit it using the contact form?

For tickets from the ČD e-shop, the application can be submitted electronically via the Contact Form at in the "Application for indemnification" section ( For tickets purchased at the box office, use the ČD box office again to submit the application (you will receive the application form from the box office employee).

How long will it take you to respond to my complaint?

We must draw your attention to the fact that the contact form is not suitable for addressing acute problems. For your response, we must verify the facts relating to the complaint, and this may take some time. The period for a response is limited by legislation to 1 month from the time of sending, and in exceptional cases (e.g. if we have to communicate with another entity) this period can be up to 3 months.

I paid for a ticket but didn’t receive it. Did the payment go through? Should I repeat my purchase?

Please bring this issue to the attention of our Contact Centre without delay by telephone on (+420) 221 111 122 or by e-mail on In the better scenario, this can be a completed purchase and the problem occurred only with the delivery of the travel document. The other possibility is that the sum has been blocked with your bank, but that the transaction was not completed for some reason.

I’m dissatisfied with your services. How can I document my request with the travel documents that I used on my journey?

You can attach files right in the contact form. If you cannot attach a copy of the ticket, please at least inform us in the text of your complaint of the price, place and approximate time of purchase.

Can I return a ticket purchased online using the contact form?

No. To return an electronic ticket, please use the “Returns” section in the ČD e-shop.

I’m concerned about the state of the railway infrastructure (tracks, pedestrian underpasses, platforms, crossings, tidiness of the station). Will you

We are of course not pleased by problems on the railway, but we cannot influence anything in this area. The infrastructure for all carriers is administered by the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration, a state organisation. It is thus more appropriate for you to address your concerns to this organisation directly. You will find contact information on

Can I comment on the unsuitability of the timetable using the contact form?

In this case, ČD’s role is merely that of a carrier. Most of the long-distance transport is ordered by the Ministry of Transport, and regional transport is ordered by the administrative authorities in the various regions. For this reason, it is more appropriate to direct your requests regarding the timetable (timing, stops, etc.) to the ordering authority directly. You will find contact information on the websites of individual administrative authorities. You will find more information on the "How the timetable is made” page.

I forgot / lost my personal property on the train. Who can I turn to?

If you forget anything on the train, we recommend that you call our Contact Centre as soon as possible on (+420) 221 111 122. Our operators can contact the train crew directly, who can try to find the lost item. All lost and found items are then recorded on

I missed my connecting train at the transfer station. Why didn’t it wait for the arrival of our delayed train?

A system of wait times has been set up to prevent delays from being carried over to more and more connections. The length of the wait time sets the greatest possible delay which a train can incur when departing from the transfer station. The basic wait time is 5 minutes, and this can be modified (shortened) by a symbol in the timetable. If your train is delayed, we recommend that you ask the train crew to check whether it is possible to increase the wait time beyond the set transfer time.

I forgot / lost a personal item on the train. Where should I turn for assistance?

If you forget anything on the train, we recommend that you call ČD’s Central Customer Service as soon as possible on (+420) 221 111 122. Our operators can contact the train crew directly, who can try to find the lost item. All lost and found items are then recorded on

The timetable is not convenient for me. Where can I request a change?

ČD prepares the draft timetable of its trains mainly according to the requirements of the entities which order public transport. Long-distance trains (fast trains, higher-quality fast trains, express trains and selected InterCity and EuroCity trains) are ordered by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, while regional trains (regional (Os) and regional fast (Sp) trains) are ordered by individual regional administrations. The Ministry of Transport and regional administrative bodies order trains to secure basic transport services for regions based on agreements with ČD, and subsequently pay ČD compensation for its demonstrable losses from their operation. The orders also contain the quantity and times of trains on individual lines as well as the required quality of transport (vehicles used, punctuality of trains, etc.). More detailed information and contact information for individual ordering parties can be found on

The air-conditioning / heating does not work. How can this be corrected?

Based on a passenger request, the train crew can assess the situation and attempt to fix the problem immediately. In the event of a more serious issue, the train crew will recommend that passengers move to different carriages. If the train is full and replacement seats cannot be allocated, you can request a one-off indemnification in the amount of CZK 30 from the conductor. This applies to inland transport. If you have an international ticket, please have the train crew issue a confirmation stating that it is not possible to move you to another suitable seat; later, you will be able to request an indemnification in the form of a voucher in the amount of 25% of the price of the fare and seat reservations. You can find more information on

You changed the scheduled train composition. Do I have a claim to an indemnification?

In the event of persistent technical problems and an insufficient number of reserve carriages of the same quality, a particular train may be composed of carriages of a different type. Reserved seats are allocated with replacements.  You do not have a claim to a fare refund, although in the event of failure to provide planned supplementary services (lack of Wi-Fi, electrical sockets) you may have a claim to an indemnification in the form of a voucher issued in the amount of CZK 30, which is issued by the train personnel upon request. If anything is unclear, we always recommend that you contact the train crew.

Do you need to know the duration of a delay or the reason for it?

For current connections, you can get this information using the TRAIN function on the ČD website, on the ČD mobile website (, or in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) mobile application. If you’re not sure of the reason for the delay or if you need to verify its duration retrospectively, you can use the e-mail address Please use the contact form if the delay infringed upon your rights as a customer.

I noticed a non-functional railway crossing. Where should I report this?

To ensure that the issue is corrected as quickly as possible, we recommend that you contact the owner of the infrastructure on

A loudspeaker announcement in the station was late / was inadequate / was not made at all. Can you correct this?

All information provided by means of the audio-visual information system at railway stations and stops is provided for all carriers under the Railways Act by the Railway Infrastructure Administration (Správa železnic - The carrier ČD provides information for its customers on the mobile platform and in the Můj vlak (“My Train”) application.

A sudden change of platform occurred. Why do you force passengers to abruptly change platforms?

The flow of railway traffic and the provision of railway connection information on station audio-visual systems are handled by the Railway Infrastructure Administration (Správa železnic, s.o. - Railway carriers have no influence on which platform will be allocated for a particular train.

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