Group Weekend Ticket+Poland

Valid from 11 December 2016

Celodenní jízdenka+Polsko

Travelling to a Polish border region?

On a Saturday or Sunday, you can take the whole family on a trip using the all-day Group Weekend Ticket+Poland (Skupinová víkendová jízdenka+Polsko).

Where and how to purchase an All-Day Ticket+Poland (Celodenní jízdenka+Polsko)?

  • at a ticket counter
  • from a conductor on the train (if you are travelling from a station where the ČD ticket office was not open)

The Group Weekend Ticket+Poland offers

  • a weekend ticket for excursions to Poland
  • suitable for families and small groups, as well as individuals
  • all-day travel by train with a single ticket
  • without limitation with respect to the number of kilometres travelled
  • with a single ticket you can board the train repeatedly



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