Special Fare for Disabled Passengers

Valid from 13 December 2020

Zvláštní jízdné ZTP a ZTP/P

What is the Special Fare for Disabled Passengers?

Are you a ZTP or ZTP/P cardholder? Save each time you travel by train! We offer a 75% fare discount to holders of these discount cards.

Where and how to receive the Special Fare for Disabled Passengers?

  • at a ticket counter
  • in the e-shop
  • from a conductor on the train

What the Special Fare for Disabled Passengers offers

Passengers with a ZTP or ZTP/P card receive:

  • a discounted fare for travel everywhere – a 75% discount off the Flexi Reduced Ticket (Flexi zvýhodněná jízdenka) or Ticket with an Obligatory Train (Vázaná jízdenka) in 2nd class
  • cheaper weekly, monthly and quarterly commuter tickets of 2nd class for frequent travel

The offer is valid in 2nd class on all trains.

Save even more with In Karta

Our tip: Get an In Karta card and save another 25% off the Special Fare for Disabled Passengers.

More about IN 25

This ticket cannot be used for intra-regional journeys by Regional trains (Os) and Regional fast trains (Sp) in the territory of the South Moravian Region and the Zlín Region.


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