Ticket for the Děčín – Bad Schandau – Sebnitz – Dolní Poustevna line

Valid from 11 December 2016

Jízdenky pro trať Děčín – Bad Schandau – Sebnitz – Dolní Poustevna

What kind of tickets should I purchase?

For a journey from Děčín to Dolní Poustevna, you can purchase an inland ticket even though you will travel across German territory. But you can also use the line for a trip to Germany with the discounted MPS Sebnitz ticket.

Where and how to purchase the MPS Sebnitz ticket?

  • at a ticket counter
  • from a conductor on the train (if you are travelling from a station where the ČD ticket office was not open)

Line 083 Děčín – Bad Schandau – Sebnitz – Dolní Poustevna (line service U28)

A direct train connection on the specified lines begins in the Czech Republic in Děčín, continues on German territory via Bad Schandau – Sebnitz and continues to the Czech town of Rumburk via Dolní Poustevna.

  • Significant shortening of travel time when travelling from the Šluknov Hook (Šluknovský výběžek) to Děčín.
  • In inland transport (the passenger neither disembarks nor boards on German territory), all standard inland transport and tariff provisions apply.
  • Discounted transport within the scope of MPS Sebnitz and popular cross-border offers are also valid on line U28: Labe-Elbe network ticket, Group Weekend Ticket+Germany region Ústí (Skupinová víkendová jízdenka+Německo region Ústecký) and All-Day Ticket+Germany region Ústí (Celodenní jízdenka+Německo region Ústecký).

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